Tuesday, March 15, 2011


And the back-side is....

For those who do not know of the epic rock bands, Robert Plant is the lead singer of Led Zeppelin. Now for this week's back-side installment:

May be easy for those who've seen his movies. And just so everyone knows, it's not real easy to find pictures of good looking, male celebrity's back-sides that are clothed, so this may have to be every other week or so. At least it'll give everyone more time to guess; post it, you may be right! I'll have other posts in between though so don't worry about slack...
Hope everyone enjoys!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Properly Tight

Now, why can't more guys wear pants that fit them like this? I know I'm not the only female that thinks this, so there needs to be a change. If women, as the norm., have to wear pants that fit tight, why can't guys? We want something nice to look at too! And to be frank us women tend to have more to offer in the way of endowments that are easily seen, so we are way past do for something in return.

And as a bonus, can anyone name who this is? I'd be very pleased if someone could answer correctly. I'll post the answer in about a week along with another random topic.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I just watched this movie yesterday and I just have to say something about it. It was the original and it was really good. I guess I can't really describe it as scary because it's a silent movie and the characters have to overact to make up for it, so it was sort of funny. I do see how it could have been scary when it first came out though. I loved the music the most though, I suggest to all to look up the music. It's really good, almost before it's time. I may even produce a few pieces of art that have been loosely inspired by this movie.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I don't know why I am still surprised at the behavior of my fellows, or more to the point, their pettiness. In my dorm building I listen to the girls in the lobby and the things they say about other girls, even ones that they say are their friends, is enough to almost make me loose hope. They get into petty snits with each other and sometimes one or more of the girls don't even know they are involved because the other(s) don't even have the courage to say something to their face. This is just one of the many reasons why I love being an artist, we as a whole try not to be too petty. We understand that we are different, and normally don't care about others being petty toward us.

I will not say that I'm not petty though for that would make me a hypocrite, which I feel is a worse fate. I just don't see why there has to be such huge fights over something that, in the long run, really doesn't count for much.

Monday, January 24, 2011

College Boys...

I don't know if it's just me or not, but are college boys really as immature as those I have at my college. Now I'm not saying that all of the ones at my school are immature, but most all of the ones that I find myself in the company of are extremely childish. The things that they talk about are really, inane, and often very crude. Of course it's alright to talk about things that are not serious, but there's a point when one thinks that there is no such thing as serious to some people.

I'm even fine with the things they talk about for the most part, it's more that they seem to be openly derisive of those that take important things seriously, or see things from a different point of view. I really hope I can find at least a few guys at my school that have the ability to have an open mind, after all isn't that one of the points of going to college in the first place?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Protests Gone Too Far?

I will not lie, I am one of the first people to believe in the power of peaceful protests, but there are certain things that are just in bad taste that do nothing for the cause being fought over. The issue that has made me really think about this is the whole problem with the dead soldiers funerals that has the protesters outside with signs that say things like "Thank God For IEDS" and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers." As I said above, this is really in bad taste. To hold a sign that thanks god for killing the soldier that these people who are at the funeral are grieving over, or that particular soldier was killed by an IED, it's just mean.

I'm not really saying that these people don't have the right to think like this or to even protest, it would just seem more appropriate to do so not at a person's funeral, especially if that someone was killed trying to protect the very rights that allow us to protest. A big drawback to protesting in such a way is that it automatically turns almost everyone against what it is that the protesters are doing, where if they protested in front of a government building perhaps, they may be able to gain some ground; maybe.

Plus, what exactly is the thing that these people protesting against? I think that it is they believe that because the U.S Army has gay people in the army, that god is punishing us by killing our soldiers, whether they are gay or not. I for one, don't see why a god would kill people who were just doing what they believe is right, for their country, simply to so his displeasure that their are gays in the army. Personally, I say get over it, if gays what to fight for their country let them. Freedom is a two way street.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Obama Could Be...

I was watching the Memorial Service on t.v tonight and while the President was talking it got me thinking about him as the president. I first want to say that I do like his use of vocabulary, even if he wrote his own speech or not. Bush could not have done as well. I also believe that he has the potential to be a president that does our country justice, I just feel he has not proven himself to his potential yet.

Yes, he is the first non-white president and he will be remembered for that, and he is well educated, as shown by his manner of speech; but I can only hope that he does not settle for just being known for his skin difference. He could use his place in the American public's hearts to help change our country for the better.

For example, he could get rid of the electoral colleges because they were needed back when a great deal of the American population was not well enough educated to know the workings of the government to make a knowledgeable vote. Now, everyone has the access to the basic issues that are necessary to make an educated vote. Or, he could help in the on going plight of the Native Americans, a great deal of the American public seems to have forgotten that the true natives of this country are still, for the most part, still living on reservations and not getting what they truly deserve as the only people more native to this country that boasts equality, than anyone else.

All just food for thought...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page

Today is Jimmy Page's birthday, he is now 67. To honor this fact, I've been listening to a lot of Led Zeppelin. I find it odd though that on days like today I feel old because the bands I love are getting on in years, even though I'm not even 20 yet. Still, I try not to dwell on this fact because bands like Led Zeppelin are so amazing, so in the end it doesn't really matter how old they are.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Conspiracy Theory About Conspiracies

I had a thought earlier today that continued to grow on me until I just had to say something about it. I was talking to an aunt of mine about different conspiracies about Hitler's death, extra motives he had for killing the Jews, why America really entered WWII, and why JFK and his second brother were killed by the government. This lead to my thought, I believe that the reason that the majority of people feel that conspiracies are only believed by crazy people is because those in power don't want things that could damage the faith of the people in them, ex. why the government killed JFK.

Now I'm not saying that EVERY conspiracy theory is true, like believing that the Loch Ness monster is really an alien sent here to distract us until the other aliens come to kill the human race. All I'm saying is that there are many conspiracy theories that should be considered carefully before being thrown out, especially if they are about the government and/or big business.