Sunday, January 2, 2011

Conspiracy Theory About Conspiracies

I had a thought earlier today that continued to grow on me until I just had to say something about it. I was talking to an aunt of mine about different conspiracies about Hitler's death, extra motives he had for killing the Jews, why America really entered WWII, and why JFK and his second brother were killed by the government. This lead to my thought, I believe that the reason that the majority of people feel that conspiracies are only believed by crazy people is because those in power don't want things that could damage the faith of the people in them, ex. why the government killed JFK.

Now I'm not saying that EVERY conspiracy theory is true, like believing that the Loch Ness monster is really an alien sent here to distract us until the other aliens come to kill the human race. All I'm saying is that there are many conspiracy theories that should be considered carefully before being thrown out, especially if they are about the government and/or big business.

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