Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I don't know why I am still surprised at the behavior of my fellows, or more to the point, their pettiness. In my dorm building I listen to the girls in the lobby and the things they say about other girls, even ones that they say are their friends, is enough to almost make me loose hope. They get into petty snits with each other and sometimes one or more of the girls don't even know they are involved because the other(s) don't even have the courage to say something to their face. This is just one of the many reasons why I love being an artist, we as a whole try not to be too petty. We understand that we are different, and normally don't care about others being petty toward us.

I will not say that I'm not petty though for that would make me a hypocrite, which I feel is a worse fate. I just don't see why there has to be such huge fights over something that, in the long run, really doesn't count for much.

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