Thursday, December 9, 2010


Recently I've been getting somewhat into mysticism. I'm not talking about my thinking I'm a witch or believing in vampires, the general corny, stereotypical type thing. I'm talking about the mystery and beauty of things like the full moon and looking up ancient folklore about such things. Because of this, I'm been filtering my interest into my art work. The reason that I bring up mysticism is that in many ways it's soothing. It's so interesting to read what symbolic meaning is behind the stars, even if one doesn't really believe in them.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess, like you, I am fascinated with the mystery of life. But I am not a mystic. : ) In an age of technology, a lot of people are revolting against its dehumanizing element, so this does manifest itself in a lot of ways, i.e. the fascination with the occult, horror or monster legends. Not that there hasn't always been an interest in these things in the past. It is just that people hunger to find deeper meaning that 0s and 1s. Never lose your sense of wonder. It's at the heart of your creative impulses. :)
