Monday, November 29, 2010


As I wrote on my other blog, I am doing a poster on Feminism. I would just like to talk about it a little. I know a few people that feel that if a women is feminist that she has to be a lesbian. I really don't like this misconception. I happen to be a feminist and I am also quite sure that I am not a lesbian. I personally just want to help better the lives of my fellow woman. After all we still need to take certain precautions most all of the time that no man needs to take, as well as the many double standards that we have to fight against when it comes to anything from our looks to our work status, from are own sex as well. I just hope that my poster helps to stir up some feels of pride and curiosity in the women who see it. And to be clear, the picture is not any of mine, I just really like it.

Though I also think that it should be said that there are many women that take the title of "feminist" and pervert it into something it's not, often times to unjustly make the male sex as a whole feel like they are sexist simply for the fact that they were born male. I personally think that a "feminist" is just someone that wants women to feel as safe and sure in the things that matter as men do, but there are many that feel that there should be no such thing as "sex differentiation" or that women should get privileges up and above common sense. For example, "free" birth control and some even want women to be able to take off work during their periods. Personally I don't want the government or my job in the middle of my lady issues, I can handle them myself like the generations of strong women before me.      

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