Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bold Concepts

I've been thinking for the past few weeks with ever growing fervor about what make a person an individual and why people tend to give up their individuality to become accepted by the those around them. It has interested me for some time why people would dress the way they think others want them to, or listen to music that their peers deem appropriate. Even for the self proclaimed "non conformist" there is the constant thought about what their peers would think if they dressed differently than the other "non conformists." If has dawned upon me that even when one tries to be different from certain groups around them, they still fit in, whether they know it or not, with others. So I don't knowingly try to fit into any group, I just go along with whatever things I want, regardless. I know better than to say that I don't fit into any group of people, because I know that there are some people that I am at least similar to, but I also know that it is worthless to try too much to fit into the ideals that others think one should fit into.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Recently I've been getting somewhat into mysticism. I'm not talking about my thinking I'm a witch or believing in vampires, the general corny, stereotypical type thing. I'm talking about the mystery and beauty of things like the full moon and looking up ancient folklore about such things. Because of this, I'm been filtering my interest into my art work. The reason that I bring up mysticism is that in many ways it's soothing. It's so interesting to read what symbolic meaning is behind the stars, even if one doesn't really believe in them.